MEMBER NEWS: TradMentor – a new mentoring project for the cultural sector

26 November 2019

Many traditional musicians in Scotland are involved in teaching. Where can they go if they’d like support in reflecting on and developing their work, making changes, juggling several jobs or just need a confidence boost?

 In November 2019 the Traditional Music Forum launched a new project called TradMentor which provides a framework for musicians to discuss challenges and choices in confidence. in partnership with a trained mentor.

The TMF has been piloting mentoring for a few years now and is pleased to have funding from the Youth Music Initiative to put in place a coordinator and train a team of mentors.

The Scottish Mentoring Network has been an invaluable source of encouragement, advice and training, and the SMN’s Professional Certificate in Coordinating Mentoring Programmes and Professional Practice Award in Mentoring have offered us not only skills development but also access to the wider mentoring scene within Scotland.

The project coordinator is Dr Jo Miller, ‘Highly Commended Mentor’ at the SMN awards in 2014, and our first six mentors are Marie Fielding, Gica Loening, Grant McFarlane, Anne Martin, Gillian Stevenson and Daniel Thorpe. They will be working with 10 musicians from Falkirk to Skye over the next few months.

 For further information, contact TradMentor coordinator Jo Miller