SAVE THE DATE: SMN National Event - #Vision2030
13 November 2024 at The Studio, 67 Hope Street, Glasgow, G2 6AE
We are delighted to announce the date for this year's National Event!
Scottish Mentoring Network's National Event will take place at The Studio, Glasgow on Wednesday 13th of November 2024.
Our National Event 2024 is celebrating the community of practice we have within the network, and will focus on networking and discussions under the theme of #Vision2030.
The event will involve a mix of presentations from SMN, interactive activities, award celebrations and a speech delivered by our keynote speaker.
It will be an opportunity for our members to meet, share and learn together.This event is perfect for any professional working in a mentoring service, or anyone with an interest in delivering mentoring services.
Bookings for this will be open soon!
Please contact if you have any questions.
You can read our Training and Events Privacy Notice at our website here, which will give you details about the use of your information and photography at our events.
We are very excited to see you all there!
Best Regards,
The Team at Scottish Mentoring Network