NEWS: Children and Young People – Participation in Decision Making

27 January 2020

The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring children and young people are at the heart of decisions which affect them and that they have the opportunity to effectively participate in wider civic society and influence decisions around them. This is important at both national and local level, including the Scottish Government, local authorities, community planning partnerships, health boards, schools, community councils and other places where decisions are made that will affect children and young people.  

They are keen for your views on how you work with children and young people and support them to participate in decision making, and what barriers you have experienced (or witnessed) that hinders their engagement and would be grateful if you could complete this short survey and share with your networks. The survey should only take about 5-10 minutes to complete and will close on Friday 7 February 2020.

Results from this survey will help inform the work being undertaken by the Scottish Government to establish a more strategic approach to participation in decision making. It seeks views from professionals who engage with children and young people including teachers, CLD workers, social workers and health professionals, etc. to gain an insight into how they currently work with children and young people. The Scottish Government want to hear about current practice in relation to the participation of children and young people – what has been found to work well and what barriers have been encountered – whether they be physical, geographical or subliminal. They are also interested in views on and how participation in decision making might be further developed and improved.